Enfin nous y voilà!!!

Eaglejet promotion number 9, coming from all Europe we were just at the beginning here. two months later...

I started with my flights, here I was coming back from Douala Cameroon.
Very good feelings, I am so happy working here in Morocco, many flights to Europe, Africa and middle east I will learn a lot for sure.

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Curriculum Vitae

Cellular phone Spain: + 34 650 64 19 28
Cellular phone France: + 33 (0) 6 24 00 46 90
Date and place of birth: May 27th, 1977, Paris 
Nationality: French
Driving license: A and B
License EASA ATPL (A)
Type rated B737-300/900
Professional experiences:
2012 - First Officer at Air Contractors, Charter Operation on B737/300, based Dublin
2011 - First Officer at Europe Airpost, cargo and charter operation on 737/300 Quick Change, based Paris
         2010 - First Officer at Europe Airpost, cargo and charter operation on 737/300 Quick Change, based Paris       CDG
2009 - First Officer at Europe Airpost, cargo and charter operation on 737/300 Quick Change, based Paris CDG
2008 - Trainee program contract at Royal Air Maroc on Boeing 737NG based at Casablanca Morocco. Perform F/O duties on B737-700/800 scheduled services for domestic and international flight operations (Europe, Middle East and Africa).
2007 - Assistant Manager, CAMPING LAS DUNAS Sant Pere Pescador Spain.
1999 / 2005 -Assistant-manager and coordinator of script writing and development, workshops organized by PILOTS,training programme of the European Union. (A part-time employment to finance commercial
pilot studies).
Summers 1995/1999 - Windsurf school owner and administrator in Cau Del LLop, LLança Spain
Flight Hours:
Single engine: 187 H
Twin Engine: 27 H
B737 NG : 400 H
B737 Classic Efis: 1450 H
Total : 2064 H
ATC 810 (twin engine IFR): 35H
P-31 Cheyenne (MCC): 40H
B737: 258H
Total: 333H
Education and Training:
03/2007: Difference course B/·/ CL / NG performed in RWL Germany
09/2006: Boeing 737 Type Rating performed in RWL Germany
06/2005: Air law and control procedures exam by French Civil Aviation Authority (010)
09/2004: Operational procedures exam by French civil Aviation Authority (070)
02/2003: MCC certificate, Tadair pilot school Spain
2000 to 2003: Commercial pilot integrated course, Tadair pilot school, Sabadell.
1966 to 1999: University course at Sorbonne Nouvelle LLCE, bachelor of Arts Degree in Spanish language and
1996: High school diploma and University entrance, Lycée Rodin Paris 13th district
English: fluent. Operational OACI Level (Level 5)
French: native language
Spanish: native language
Catalan: native language
Italian: notions

Varias fotos de fin de TYPE RATING

La verdad sea dicha, la primera habilitación de tipo es dura; no os fieis de la sonrisa, la verdad es que en el simulador se suele sudar la gota gorda. Abajo tenéis una foto del simulador.

Pero les aseguro que el primer vuelo con un bicho grande, -mediano dirán algunos- es un gran momento.
Los que hayan vivido este momento sabrán de lo que hablo , a los que esten por vivirlo les deseo que lo disfruten tanto como yo lo disfrute.

Pude poner en práctica todo lo aprendido en el simulador, a bordo de un Boeing B737-500 de Strerling en los cielos de Copenhagen. Con el sol poniendose experimente unas sensaciones muy intensas. Entré por fin en el mundo mítico de la aviación después estos años de aprendizaje.

Mister 737, nuestro instructor para el "base training" con la que finaliza la formación sobre el aparato. Este hombre tiene tanta alegría al enseñar que uno disfruta experimentando.

Marc, el compi de los inicios, gracias a él me meti en lo de la habilitación de tipo.
Gracias por todo tu apoyo.


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